Sundt Projects

CoSA Seeling Channel Phase 3

CoSA Seeling Channel Phase 3

  • Location:

    San Antonio, Texas

  • Client:

    City of San Antonio (CoSA)

  • Construction Value:


  • Delivery Method:

    Competitive Sealed Proposal (CSP)

  • Year Completed:


  • Specialties:

    Flood Control, Roadways

Features & Highlights

  • Removal of approximately 200 residential and business properties from the flood plain
  • Over 50,000 cubic yards of excavation
Project Overview

The Seeling Channel Phase 3 project constructed by Sundt Construction is a continuation of a multi-phased floodplain improvement project that includes the reconstruction and widening of Seeling Channel along with residential improvements to curbs, sidewalks and driveway approaches. In an effort to further reduce the floodplain around the residents of San Antonio, Sundt reconstructed Summit Alley and installed additional drainage flumes between St. Cloud and Morning Glory.

The City of San Antonio classified the Seeling Channel near Woodlawn Lake as a serious threat to the health and safety of the community. The design aimed to avert a repeat catastrophic flooding that occurred in 2002. The three phases of improvements removed approximately 200 residential and business properties from the flood plain.

Improvements to the existing 2,200 linear foot stretch of channel included over 50,000 cubic yards of excavation, placement of 10,000 cubic yards of concrete in CIP retaining walls and channel bottom, demolition and rebuild of St. Cloud Bridge over the channel and 4,500 linear feet of chain link fence. The project also included over 2,000 linear feet of water, sanitary sewer, gas and storm drain utility relocations and replacements. Utility work included relocating water and a 16-foot steel gas line under the new channel.

The reconstruction of an active drainage channel presented its own challenges to the project team including 83 rain events which meant 1 foot to 12 feet of water in the channel during construction. The team partnered with the City of San Antonio to find several innovative workarounds to stay on pace and in budget, all while creating minimal disruptions. The team rephased the project allowing for a more efficient construction sequence and designed and implemented a dewatering system. The dewatering system included underdrains, sumps and drain rock, creating a working surface even when the channel was still wet. Through perseverance, the team was able to plan and implement innovative water diversion methods needed to successfully deliver the project ahead of schedule.

In addition to the flood plain reduction, the project also incorporated artwork from local artists. Together with the city, Sundt worked with two local artists and a local small business to bring their visions to life. The project team sandblasted magnolia flowers into the sidewalks of the St Cloud Bridge. This small aesthetic touch helps bring the community together by showcasing the artwork of locals.

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Awards & Accolades

American Public Works Association
TX Chapter, Project of the Year for Structures, $5M-$25M


ENR Texas & Louisiana Award of Merit
Water/Environment category